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23,786 Amdocs Ltd positions opened on eToro
Amdocs Ltd is a multinational communications and media corporation headquartered in Chesterfield, Missouri. The company serves an international audience with numerous support and development centres around the world providing support for over 350 clients in more than 80 countries. Founded in 1982, the company specialises in the provision of software and services for various organisations in the communications, media and financial services industries, and other digital enterprises. The firm is listed on the NASDAQ GS and trades under the ticker DOX. Amdocs reported $4.1bn revenue in the fiscal year 2019. In 2020, the DOX share price showed a 52-week low of $44.05 and a 52-week high of $77.29. In 2020 the firm won various awards, including Best IoT Initiative and Satellite Project of the Year at Capacity Media’s Global Carrier Awards, the Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific 5G Customer Leadership Award, and the prestigious Leading Lights award for Outstanding Digital Enablement Vendor. Amdocs contributes to the communications and IP industry through various industry associations and certifications, including certification as an Advanced Consulting Partner and Advanced Technology Partner with Amazon Web Services. You can monitor this instrument and get instant updates on DOX value changes by adding it to your eToro watchlist.
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