Should You Invest In Maker?

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378,840 Maker positions opened on eToro

67490.18 0.82%
26.64 0.57%
0.17 2.29%
0.13 1.36%

The Maker Platform is a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the framework for both the DAI stablecoin and the Maker (MKR) token. The Maker token is an ERC-20 utility token constructed using Ethereum's protocols. While enabling the provision of voting rights and enabling the payment of fees and interest on the platform, its primary function was to help stabilise the price of the DAI token at $1 and enable management of the Dai Credit System. Fees and interest for the platform are paid in MKR tokens. Holders of Maker tokens make decisions regarding the operation and future of the Dai Credit System. Founded in 2014, Maker is the brainchild of California based Rune Christensen. Launched in August 2015, Maker did not have an initial coin offering (ICO). Instead, MakerDAO opted to slowly move the token onto the market through private sales prior to the launch of the Maker market. Get insight into the price of MKR on eToro.

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